
Unleashing Innovation: Shepherd’s Early 2024 Feature Updates for Veterinary Practices

Monday, Apr 1, 2024 by Cindy Barnes, DVM, CVSMT
2 Min Read
Unleashing Innovation: Shepherd’s Early 2024 Feature Updates for Veterinary Practices

Check out six of the many exciting new features and updates from Shepherd Veterinary Software in the first quarter of 2024. Learn more about these new offerings and how users are benefiting from them already! 

1. ShepherdAI -Access a virtual assistant within your SOAPs. 

We’ve assembled a team of AI experts, developers, and veterinary professionals to create, train, and rigorously test our latest exciting feature - ShepherdAI! 

Imagine you’re reviewing a patient’s medical history and want more information on treatment options or drug dosages. ShepherdAI can highlight potential drug interactions and suggest alternative treatment options instantly. It’s like having an extra veterinary assistant by your side.

By utilizing ShepherdAI, veterinary practices can save time, reduce errors, and help you provide the best care possible through information on new and emerging treatment options. Learn more about ShepherdAI and common use cases in this article today!

2. Text-to-Pay (Available for Shepherd Pay locations only)

Picture this: a client receives their pet’s invoice, and with a simple text, they settle the bill. No phone calls, no waiting. No more chaos in reception as clients (and their pets!) wait impatiently at check-out. With Shepherd Pay’s Text-to-Pay, you’ll streamline payment processes, enhancing client satisfaction and keeping your practice running smoothly.

Why use it? Your veterinary practice will benefit from faster payments, reduced administrative workload, and improved client satisfaction. Clients will appreciate the simplicity of paying directly through their mobile devices, enhancing their overall experience.

3. Read-Only-Access (Emergency Version)

Think of this as part of your practice’s emergency backup plan. In the unlikely event of an unexpected performance interruption, Shepherd offers a read-only version of the app that can be turned on from your login screen. This emergency version captures critical clinic and patient data up to the minute before the interruption occurs.

Why have it? Read-Only-Access limits the disruption caused by infrequent performance interruptions, including internet issues. Your clinic will still be able to access essential information, including same-day appointment schedules, patient records, invoices, and pricing details.

1. Pet Portal Direct Booking

Save CSRs time on the phone while maintaining control over your busy schedule. With Pet Portal Direct Booking, pet owners can book appointments directly onto your schedule through the pet portal. You retain complete control of the scheduling process by selecting which appointment types and providers are available for booking. 

Clients appreciate the convenience of self-service booking, while practices benefit from increased appointment bookings and better resource management. It’s a win-win situation that simplifies the scheduling process and fosters proactive care.

2. Nested Bundles

You can now nest a bundle within a bundle! Nested bundles allow you to customize service packages to fit your unique practice needs and streamline your workflow. Incentivize preventive care and improve client compliance with comprehensive care packages for vaccinations, wellness exams, and more.

3. Boarding Calendar Enhancements

The Boarding Calendar just got smarter! Shepherd’s new Boarding Calendar enhancements help you efficiently manage boarding schedules, prevent overbooking, and ensure smooth operations.

With drag-and-drop reservations, your receptionist can now easily adjust the schedule or allocate resources with one click. Plus, the new SOAP status for boarding reservations keeps clinical and boarding appointments separate on the Dashboard, maintaining clarity and organization.

It’s time to get home on time for dinner

With our latest updates, Shepherd empowers veterinary practices to deliver exceptional service, streamline operations, and enhance client satisfaction. Whether you’re a seasoned Shepherd user or considering adopting the software for the first time (in that case, schedule a demo with us here), these features are designed to make your practice thrive! 

Streamline your practice with Shepherd Veterinary Software

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